Hi there, I’m Shane McElveen

UX/UI design manager


I have many years of experience working as an interactive designer. Over that time I have worked for many companies in different industries from large corporates to agencies to start-ups and contracting.


My in depth knowledge of user experience design, production and team management  has helped me achieve consistent high standards for employers and clients.

Some of the previous projects I have worked on include mobile apps, responsive sites, touch screens and information screens.

Employers – past & present

paddy power
martello media

Case Study


Paddy Power next generation screens

Re-imagining the betting shop experience where the barriers between the online and offline are merging, to create a seamless experience


Paddy Power gantry screens

CarTrawler Ground transportation

Offering customers the opportunity to pre-book private transfers, bus, train and shared shuttle services for their holiday or business needs


night time image of heavy traffic

Notable examples


Ground Transportation
Ground transportation mobile, tablet, desktop
Ground transportation desktop
Ground transportation mobile
Ground transportation tablet
Ground transportation desktop

Paddy Power

Next Generation Screens
Paddy Power Next Generation Screens
Paddy Power Next Generation Screens
Paddy Power Next Generation Screens
Paddy Power Next Generation Screens
Paddy Power Next Generation Screens


Banner ads
Ammado home page banner - Welcome home
Ammado home page banner example
Ammado home page banner example - The next Pele


Facts about Ireland
Agtel Facts About Ireland
Agtel Facts About Ireland
Agtel Facts About Ireland
Rural Enterprise Development (RED)
Agtel Rural Enterprise Development (RED)
Agtel Rural Enterprise Development (RED)
Agtel Rural Enterprise Development (RED)

Martello Media

Martello Media 1798 interactive
Martello media - 1798 revolution interactive
Martello media - 1798 revolution interactive
Martello media - 1798 revolution interactive
Shane McElveen